Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pressure Washing?

Pressure washing, also called power washing, is the application of a high pressure water spray to surfaces for the purpose of cleaning. This process can take different types of pressure for cleaning different types of surfaces.

What’s the Difference Between Power Washing and Pressure Washing?

A while ago, the terms “power wash” and “pressure wash” were not synonymous. Pressure washing used to denote cleaning surfaces with the help of a high pressurized water spray with cold or normal temperature, while power washing used to mean that the water jet was using hot water for added efficacy.

However, today, pressure washing and power washing are used synonymously and interchangeably. This is because most professional pressure washing services today emly both cold and hot water units, depending on the type of surface that needs cleaning or dirt that needs removal. Here at ACX Pressure Washing, we use 3,000 PSI pressure washing machines, using both hot and cold water units.

How Often Should You Power Wash an Object or a Surface?

For the majority of surfaces or objects, a power wash once a year should be more than enough. The frequency depends on the materials that the surface is made of, as well as its current condition. New or smoother surfaces may need less frequent cleaning since they tend to accrue less dirt, but old or deteriorated surfaces (like asphalt or cracked patios) may need more frequent power washing.

What Do PSI and GPM Mean?

Technical terms may be confusing, but no worries, it’s simpler than it sounds! In short, PSI is the “pounds per square inch,” or in other words, the pressure with which the water hits the surface. The PSI number is a measurement of the force of the “punch” during the pressure wash. The higher the PSI number, the stronger the force of the water removing the contaminants off and away from the target surface.

But what about GPM? GPM stands for “gallons per minute.” This is the amount of water that flushes away the contaminants pushed off by the PSI. In short, if the PSI is the strength of the punch of the fist, the GPM is the size of the arm behind it.

Of course, both are very important and their intensity is determined by the professionals and the nature of the task at hand. However you, the client, may also request a higher PSI or GPM (or both) for your specific needs. For example, a farmer may want more GPM so they can flush contaminants more easily away from the fresh soil; and a homeowner may want more PSI to get the grime off their porch. It really depends, and can be communicated freely to our team.


Can I Do Power Washing On My Own?

While power washing can definitely be done as a do-it-yourself project, there is a very clear distinction between a professional pressure washing service and a DIY implementation. Professional power washing services, like ACX, deploy a much greater capability of equipment, with higher ranges of water temperatures as well as PSI and GPM. Additionally, professional pressure washing services employ a much greater cleaning expertise by having trained power washing technicians with tons of experience to do it for you.

On the other hand, a DIY power washer may set the pressure too high for a specific surface and cause damage. Or, they may also hold the nozzle too close or too far away from the surface, resulting in an inefficient or an uneven wash. They may also use too much PSI or GPM, resulting in ruined fences, chipped painting, damaged windows, cracked sidewalks and more. 

And even if there isn’t any damage caused – what about the potential for making a huge mess? It’s more than likely to happen. If you’re not an experienced power washing professional, chances are you’ll mess up the angle of the water stream and position yourself incorrectly, making the water flow in all the wrong areas. This will result in either holes in your garden or walkways, or, a river of mud flooding your precious surfaces.

Finally, even though most power washing equipment available for rent has the same PSI and GPM as professional, commercial-grade tools, they hold a minimal amount of water — making the do-it-yourself power wash project take days instead of hours.

Can a High Pressure Wash Damage My Home?

Yes, too much water pressure can definitely damage your home. That’s why here at ACX Pressure Washing, we use the proper pressure for each surface, and sometimes if necessary, use the appropriate detergents beforehand to ensure a smooth, safe and effective power washing operation of your home.

Can Pressure Washing Cause Injuries?

Definitely yes. Which is why leaving this task in the hands of well-trained, experienced professionals is the right thing to do. Our pressure washing team is both experienced and professional and makes the safety of everyone involved – both your property and you – their number one priority. 

What’s the Difference Between Cold Water and Hot Water Pressure Washing?

A very sensible question. There is indeed a meaningful difference between using cold, or hot water during a pressure washing session. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot water’s greatest advantage is that it is a natural disinfectant. So, when cleaning a surface with boiling hot water, it doesn’t just scrape the surface clean – it also kills bacteria, viruses and more complex organisms such as algae and some types of moss. This keeps the surface cleaner for a longer period of time, and leads to less costs and less frequent power washing. 

To offer a very simple analogy – imagine cleaning your dishes with cold water. Much less effective, right?

Which leads us to the next advantage of hot water power washing: the ability to melt and cut grease. This makes hot water pressure washing especially useful in places such as parking lots, street corners and parking garages, where cars tend to leave black, greasy patches from things like oil, engine grease or transmission leaks.

Additionally, unlike cold water pressure washing, hot water can also remove chewing gum and other more persistent stains by melting them off the surface.

Finally, using hot water for pressure washing also makes it possible to pressure wash in colder weather. As long as the temperature outside is 32 degrees or more, any surface can be pressure cleaned with hot water.

On the other hand, hot water pressure washing adds the risk of burns, or heat-related damage to parts of your property. Not on our watch, but hey – you asked and we answered!

And cold water is also very suitable for pressure washing in warm weather, or for surfaces that need cleaning from dust, soil, sand, and other types of non-sticky detritus. Additionally, cold water pressure washing is also preferred for cleaning areas where there is vegetation you’d like to keep, such as backyard trails, garden patios, and more.

As always, if you’re not sure, just consult with our ACX Pressure Washing pros! They’ll give you the best advice for each particular area. 



Can Power Washing Remove Graffiti?

This is one of the most frequently frequently asked questions! And the answer is yes, we can definitely remove graffiti!!

Not only can we remove paint-based graffiti very quickly, but we can also do it safely. Many times, graffiti tends to be placed near vegetation or other sensitive surfaces like windows or commercial shop windows. But worry not – thanks to our environmentally friendly graffiti removal tools and products, we can remove the graffiti without damaging the surrounding area. 

I’ve Heard That My Garage Can Suffer Severe Damage From a Lack of Regular Pressure Washing. Is This True?

Pressure washing horizontal surfaces is essential for areas that undergo colder climates and require salt application during the winter. Sidewalks, roads, parking lots and some garage areas are subject to this. The problem is that salt is extremely corrosive to some types of surfaces, and can cause concrete, sandstone surfaces or asphalt to quickly deteriorate. Needless to say, the arrival of summer causes further damage due to the stretching of the materials by the higher temperature.

Additionally, in surfaces such as floors, or objects like parking garages where tension cables or rebar are added within the concrete, the salt can actually compromise the integrity of the floors because it can corrode the metal and cause the concrete to crack.

Lucky for you, this process can be prevented with regular pressure washing for maintenance every year. We also recommend the application of water repellent to concrete floors in order to further protect the surface and prevent cracks due to water penetration issues.

How Long Does Power Washing Take?

Pressure washing an average house can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours. Setting up the equipment and packing up can also take an additional 15-30 minutes. Of course, this will also depend on the size of the area you need pressure washed – some areas and property types will require more time. Don’t hesitate to discuss this with our professionals and receive their best opinion. 

Does Pressure Washing Increase the Value of My Property?

Making small investments with big payouts is the name of the game. And truth be told, pressure washing is one of the most affordable things you can do to boost the value of your property. Depending on the area and the power washing effect on the property, you could see an increase of property value anywhere between 5%-25%. 

To maximize the value of your property, we recommend that you power wash the property’s sidewalks and driveways, the property’s walls, and importantly – your property’s roofs. Of course, never forget to clean the gutters as well. With all the grime, dirt, and mold away, your property will look almost brand new, giving it a fresh price.

For example, if your house costs $200,000, ACX Pressure Washing may easily boost that to $225,000 after a detailed cleaning and beautifying power washing session.

So, what do you have to lose? That’s right – nothing. With ACX Pressure Washing you can only gain. Call now and get a quote – it’s a win-win!